Different types of Relationships- which are you in?

We have different expectations from our relationships. There's this idea we already have in our heads how we want our relationships to go and the way it should be. 
Here are some types of relationships, tell us which you are.

Committed relationships

Being in a committed relationship means deciding together on the rules of the relationship and accepting them. It normally means that you are loyal and ‘exclusive’ to each other. You don't make out or have sex with anyone other than your partner.
Commitment isn’t just about sex though. It could also mean emotional commitment. It means being honest about your feelings to each other. Trusting each other in all areas of life. It’s likely that you're in a committed relationship if you've been with the same person for a long time, or promised each other to be faithful, or shared some space together (a home or a room), if you have close financial ties – or if you're married.
However, the easiest way to find out if you've managed to pass the commitment test is to have a talk about it with your partner. Evaluate what both of you want from the relationship and from each other. This honest and open discussion should show the level of commitment you have towards the each other.

Open relationships

Couples who are in open relationships accept and allow each other to date or have sex with other people. It means they are honest with their partners about sleeping with other people and ideally don't see it as a hindrance to their relationship.
There are different reasons why couples might agree to open relationships. Some people really believe in loving more than one person at the same time. Some are looking for the closeness of a steady relationship without giving up the thrill of new sexual experiences with other people. For others it could be because of lack of sexual compatibility, or living far away from each other.here are couples who find open relationships work out well for them. But many run into problems. It seems like an appealing idea at first, and you think you’ll be able to cope with the emotions. But in reality there’s no avoiding it: you end up feeling jealous. This can damage the whole relationship. 

Long-distance relationships

Long distance relationships are when the two of you aren’t living together because you live in different places. This means you can’t see each other so often. If you live in Asaba and your partner lives in Warri, you're in a long distance relationship.
Relationships can go long distance because of many reasons. It could be because your partner has found a new job in a different city or country or because you've started at a university far from home.
Today, long distance relationships are becoming more and more possible because of modern forms of communication. Emails, chats, video chats and social networks make it very easy for people to stay in touch while in a long distance relationship. Before you enter into a long distance relationship, it might be a good idea to think about how your relationship will change because of the distance. For one thing, there’ll be long stretches with no kissing or holding hands or sex. Also you won't get to see and talk to each other in person for long periods of time. It would be great to test it out for a while and see how it works out before making a final commitment.

Live-in relationships

In some cultures, it's OK for couples to live together without being married. In India, live-in relationships aren't a socially accepted norm,  unlike in the United States and sone other parta of the world, but more and more young, urban couples are choosing to live together anyway.
Partners may choose to live together without getting married for various reasons. It could be because they want to maintain their single status, or because of financial reasons. . Many people also use live-in relationships as a test before they enter into a married relationship. Live-in relationships need a lot of commitments. 

Married relationships

Marriage is a legal union between two people. It also offers social acceptance of the relationship between the two partners involved. The decision to get married could be made just by the couple. Or it could be that their families and relatives are also involved in the choice. The ones where the couples fall in love first are labelled as ‘love marriages’ whereas the ones that involve parents and families setting it up are called ‘arranged marriages’. A marriage is often celebrated with a wedding and married couples consider their wedding dates to mark their marriage anniversaries.
From love matters
If you have an article, do contact us on alexabrownx@gmail.com


  1. Hi, I and my partner were in a committed relTionship, till he brought up the idea that things weren't working out, and he said he didn't want to loose me, so he brought this idea for us to see other people and see how that goes, but he specifically stated that we're still together, At first I was confuse, but now I understand. Thank you for this post.

  2. Oh dear, I am sorry to break this to you, but he's just enjoying your cookie, and he doesn't want to stop, but he also wants to get different cookies, If I were you I'd, leave the relationship, because that's not even a relationship.

  3. You made such an interesting piece to read, giving every subject enlightenment for us to gain knowledge. Thanks for sharing the such information with us to read this... Relationships


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