Today is world suicide prevention day.

Every year September 10 is observed  as World Suicide prevention day. This day is being observed to promote worldwide action on preventing suicide. Different
events and activities are organised during this occasion to raise awareness that suicide is a major preventable cause of premature death.

Statistics show that Nigeria is the 30th most suicide prone country in the World. Everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide, you don't need to be an expert to reach out just be a good friend and a great listener if you recognise any of the warning signs listed here in your friend or loved one trust your instincts and get tips to assist you in having the conversation. 

Here are a few warning signs

  • Social Isolation
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Aggression and irritability
  • Dramatic Changes in mood and behaviour
  • Feeling like a burden to others
  • Sense of hopelessness or no hope for the future
  • A history of suicidal behaviour
  • Frequently talking about death
  • Feeling trapped
  • Engaging in risky behaviours
  • Alcohol and drug misuse.
These are a few warning signs of suicide, keeping in mind that the warning signs for suicide are not limited to these.

  • If you're thinking about suicide it is important to keep safe reach out if you need advice or want to talk things through. 
  • You can always reach out to me via mail - or my social media handle @sandybrownx across all social media platforms.

Everyday  is world suicide prevention day, but today is an opportunity to Shine a light on suicide prevention in Nigeria and at the community and at large 


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