How to stop taking things personally.

Do things usually piss you off,  like almost everytime?
Do people around you tell you that you take things wayyy to seriously??

Well  here's a few tips on how to not take things too seriously
and just enjoy life.

  •  You need to ask yourself what the other person's behaviour or comment actually meant.  You need to cut people some slack,  give them benefit of a doubt.  For example if someone doesn't say hello they probably shy. 

  • You need to understand  that the other person's  attitude most likely not your fault,  it's likely to be a reflection  of their issues. 

  • View the situation from a different  angle,  try to put it into different perspectives, see how another person would view that situation. 

  • Put yourself in the other person's shoes

  • You also need to realize  that you can't please everyone.  Trying to please everyone around you is one sure way to being depressed and you'll definitely start taking things personally. 

  • Don't ever forget to take constructive criticism, ask yourself if there is any truth to what is being said, then try to make significant changes to where necessary. 

  • Understand that mistakes happen,  and we're  humans we are bound to make mistakes, but what is important  is not letting your mistakes or criticism define you.

  •  Self worth is very important,  you need to know that your self worth is not dependent  on other people. You are responsible  for your self esteem.

  • Finally your peace of mind  should not be toiled with,  and taking everything personal will definitely make you always grumpy and you won't have that peace and a healthy attitude.
**** You're responsible  for your happiness


  1. "you are responsible for your self esteem"

    Mad line.


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