Simple Personal tools to handling Depression

Please keep in mind that what works well for one, may no work for the other.

These are a few way to get out of depression. Please bear in mind, in extreme case please consult a therapist.

Be responsible for your own wellness. Take care and be in control of yourself and your depression rather than waiting for something or someone to save you. There is  therapy, books, support groups etc. 

Get active. Exercise is great and really important, Regular movement with mild exercise positively affects the brain and your own sense of well-being. Also, gradually begin to do things you used to enjoy.

Sleep well. Sleep is crucial for any kind of recovery  and depression is not an exception. Create a routine that involves avoiding television and other screens will help induce restorative sleep.

Eat and drink well. Nutrition plays a key role in depression. Food can increase or decrease neurotransmitters like dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin affect moods and impact energy levels.

Breathe. Dont forget to breathe.  Deep breathing releases endorphins and other mood-enhancing biochemicals in the brain. Slow, deep breaths steady the body and mind, and impact energy levels.

Go outside. The brain needs full-spectrum light in order to regulate moods and improve outlook. Every day, spend about half an hour outside.

Self-care routine. Self-care, attending to you physical health, mental health, and personal hygiene, is a vital part of depression care. Self care routine such as; 

  1. Be touchy. Skin-to-skin contact is a powerful component of human connection, and it reduces the effects of depression. Get a massage, or partner with someone for informal massages.
  2. Expand your perspective. Depression narrows your attention and makes you focus on the negative. Shift your perspective and your interpretation of the people and events in your life; open yourself up to the possibility of different ways of thinking and feeling.
  3. Visualize your depression free self. The power of visualization is real. Create an image of yourself living without depression, and think about it often throughout each day to provide a steady stream of inspiration and motivation
  4. Remind yourself of all of the good things about you. Write them down in a dedicated notebook, or make a collage and hang it on your wall for a constant visual reminder. Focus on things you do well and on positive character traits you have. For example, are you caring? Do you have perseverance? Discover your talents and character strengths, and let them be your guide.


  1. Be touchy �� ��
    Oh.. there are formal massages?


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