Reasons why you are always tired.

Always feeling tired and sluggish although you slept for hours? 
Here are a few reasons why you may feel so. 

1. You are stressed. 

   Stress is one very common way to fatigue and always feeling burn out. Most of the time we are on one electronic gadget,  to the other,  to running errands, to meeting up with work targets and all that, therefore over loading the brain.  The problem is the more stimuli the brain has to process, the harder it has to work. So cut your brain some slack. 
Thus, the next time you are feeling all shades of tiredness or a bit dull, try taking a break from the internet and all the media around you.

2. Change in your sleep Rhythm. 

Most times, we only focus on how long we sleep. You should try to get somewhere between seven and eight hours a night. This is very important because people who are continually sleep deprived tend to gain weight. 
But we so frequently forget that our sleep rhythm also plays a crucial role. This means that if you constantly go to bed at different times maybe ecause of work,  this can have a negative impact on your health (just like sleeping too little).

3. You are not eating right. 

Yes we have all been there. There are days when you forget to eat because there is too much to do? Eating too little leaves you feeling weak. But the same thing goes for eating too much, choosing unhealthy foods.
 If we consume a lot of simple carbohydrates like white bread, sodas and sweets, this can rob us of energy, because these foods provide the body with “empty” calories. Your blood sugar levels rise rapidly for a short time because the pancreas is pumping out insulin like crazy. But soon they will fall as fast as they rose and this makes you sluggish.Fatty foods or meals place a great deal of demands on your body. Therefore, you should try to eat as balanced a diet as possible.

4.You are not drinking right. 

Headaches and fatigue. These are 2 of the effects of not drinking enough liquids. Not the usual sugary sodas or coffee, but water and unsweetened tea. Did you know our body is made up of more than 50% water? If we drink too little, our metabolism slows down and our body shifts into low gear. Thus, it is no surprise that we feel dead tired

5. Not enough light.  

Darkness causes the body to release the sleep hormone melatonin. (trust me, I have had my own share of this).  
So, make sure to spend as much time outside as possible. Even on cloudy days, you will get more light outside than in the office or in your home. Go for a walk on your next lunch break, or just take a stroll.  Another way to build up your energy reserves is to use a daylight lamp. And don’t close the curtains in your bedroom all the way: This will let some light into your room in the morning and help your body prepare to get up and start the day.

6.  And finally, You are not exercising  enough. 

we want more energy, we have to produce it ourselves. Exercise gets the heart pumping, boosts the metabolism and increases circulation. People who get too little exercise feel sluggish. It's as simple as that. 


  1. Wow... thank you soo much I have been feeling tired even after sleeping for long but now I understand why. Thanks sandy


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